This week was really interesting yet frustrating at the same time.  As a mother of 12 children, I have had to learn to get things done quickly and move on.  When I don't have the tools or information to complete a required task, it is frustrating.  This is how I felt this week.  I have always had confidence in myself to be able to learn and understand things -- I am a pretty smart gal.  :)  I don't know if I totally missed something on this assignment or not, but I am understanding more about keywords and how to navigate in the Adwords site.  I really hit a roadblock with the tracking code for Google Analytics and even went to my personal "IT expert", my 25 year old son, and he was also stumped.  So, this assignment added to the string of 3 late assignments this week.  Oh well.  That is what happens sometimes and that is how we learn and we go forward and keep doing our best.  I can say that I have decided that taking more university level courses like this is not on my bucket list.  I spent my years doing this in the past and it is an important part of life, but I have been there and done that and I will choose to spend my energies and stress in other areas of life!  With that said, I really have loved this class and have enjoyed the challenge of learning and figuring things out.  My instructor has been great and I am so glad that I know I can reach out to him with questions.  Overall, this is a great experience.


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